
Aggregated insights across the cloud

- Office

Office 365

Best-in-class productivity apps with powerful cloud services, device management, and advanced security.

- CRM Dynamics

Dynamics 365

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) intelligent business applications.

- Azure


Build, test, deploy, and manage cloud applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.

Gold Partnership Details

Microsoft Gold Partner

When Microsoft announced the launch of Microsoft Teams in March 2017, support for bots was included, and ModuleQ was ready. We were one of the first partners developing solutions on the Teams platform. Since then, we’ve grown into the leading global provider of AI for the Teams platform.

Powering Timely, Relevant, Compelling Teams UX

Context kickstarts & sustains the engagement flywheel


Human-AI Symbiosis Drives Engagement in Teams

Curation: AI learns through a continuous, collaborative stream of implicit & explicit feedback

Context: AI understands your circumstances & your goals

Relevance: AI brings you the right information at the right moment to help you achieve your goals

Engagement: You are attracted to the JOY of serendipitous discoveries and time-saving insights that help you achieve and overachieve

Want to know more about our partnership

Give us a call or email us.